As you know, with the year's end comes with it lists upon lists upon lists. Do I have my obligatory "Best of 2007" lists? Absolutely. But I love reading other's thoughts on the past year's great moments in music, movies, news...
My favorite list thus far comes from Junichi over at Poplicks. His "Best Quotes Of 2007" is hysterical! Here is a snippet of some of my favorites from his exhaustive list:
"Did you see Britney Spears at the Video Music Awards? I don't want to say that that performance was a disaster, but after the show, I saw Rudy Giuliani having his picture taken standing on her."-Bill Maher
"Go, Raiders."- Robert Comer's last words before being executed in Arizona
"Yeah, well maybe next time, you will estimate me."- Michael, to Jan, who said she underestimated him, on The Office
"People use music as a utensil to better themselves."- Jessica Simpson
Read his complete list here.
Oh yeah, and he just posted his "Best Songs Of 2007". All 100 of them.